Dynamic Design
Creating Highly Interactive Training Quickly & Effectively
Designer & Facilitator
Lynn Hooper
You’ll find Lynn helping staff design and develop learning as many times as you see her out there designing alone. She has over 20 years experience in curriculum design and development and clients describe her facilitation style as dynamic and energetic! Noted for her ability to learn the job specific procedures very quickly and turn them into highly interactive learning that employees grasp and retain easily, she's worked with all types of staff from field construction employees to flight attendants to office staff to manufacturing line staff to executives.
While in the Navy she was the driving force behind the revision of a two week management course for managers in the Medical Department. It was actually the only competency based management course in the Medical Department which was then recognized by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and used as a model for other military treatment facilities. She was also instrumental in the development of leadership courses attended by all Naval Officers.
Lynn’s ability to understand the procedures of a job come from experience in many fields: call center procedures, home construction procedures, healthcare procedures to name a few. She also enjoys designing and/or facilitating group training (in person or virtual live) as well as designing self study (web based using many different elearning tools or paper-based) in many interpersonal and technical skill areas.

Designer & Facilitator
Carolyn B Thompson
Carolyn's training design and facilitation and styles are highly interactive and include many hands-on methods and materials designed for learning that goes beyond the training session. She has facilitated in-person and virtual live training for trade/professional associations and small, medium and large companies, both for profit and non-profit. Over the past thirty years she has helped tens of thousands of people learn - from students to entry level staff to managers at all levels.
She is the author of
➔ Creating Highly Interactive Training Quickly & Effectively
➔ Interviewing Techniques for Managers
➔ The Leadership Genius of George W. Bush
➔ Recruiting, Inspiring & Retaining the Best Employees (audio)
➔ 10 Steps to Determining the Return on Your Training Investment (wrksht)
Course curriculum
Preparing to Be a Dynamic Designer
Preparing to Be a Dynamic Designer
Dynamic Design
Dynamic Design
Practicing Your Dynamic Design Skills
Practicing Your Dynamic Design Skills