Change at the Speed of Light!
Directing Your Movement Through the Stages of the Change Cycle
Of course, change is essential for growth and progress. However, the amount of change that’s occurring today is testing teams and managers like never before on their ability to adapt and be flexible. Utilizing the science-based Change CycleTM model you'll gain insight into how you think, feel, and behave during times of change. And you'll leave this training with how-to's on how to move successfully from one stage to the next so you'll never get stuck again. In fact, most people say they actually like change after this training!
This is critical to staff at every level and super useful to managers as they lead teams successfully through the stages of change.

Change CycleTM
Jackie S Martin
Course Modules
Preparing for Change at the Speed of Light
Preparing for Change at the Speed of Light
Take The eLocator TM
The Change Cycle TM
The Change Cycle TM
Practicing the Skills of the Change Cycle
Practicing the Skills of the Change CycleTM